Visitors to Wadi Rum usually see very few animals because most desert creatures are nocturnal, to avoid the daytime sun, and many of the larger ones are now reduced to very low numbers. However, if you take the time to look carefully, you are likely to encounter a number of interesting birds, insects and reptiles – and some desert plants – as described below. More detailed information of the wildlife and ecology can be accessed through the library.
Trees are rare in Rum and restricted to three types: Acacias, False Figs and Tamarisks. The Acacias, with their flat tops and spiny, sparse branches, are the most typically desert-looking tree. The plants you will see most often are the short, woody shrubs scattered across the desert, which consist of four main species: White Saxaul, Jointed Anabasis, Hammada salicornica and . These provide an important food source for Bedouin goats and camels, especially in the summer months, when the smaller succulent desert plants have all dried up
Reptiles are widespread in Rum, but do not exist in high numbers. This may be considered fortunate by some visitors, since there are ten species of snake, of which two are very poisonous vipers: Cerastes gasperttii and Echis coloratus. The Cerastes is has the classic ‘side-winder’ movement and leaves indented ‘S’ shaped tracks in the sand. It should be stressed, however, that bites from these snakes (or any snakes) are extremely rare; the vast majority of visitors never see them. The reptiles most likely to be seen are lizards, and especially Geckos and Agamas. The Blue Agama is relatively large, growing up to 35cm and can be seen basking on rocks or hiding in crevices. Males in breeding condition develop an exotic blue head and upper body, which is very conspicuous.
Down on the sand, one common small creature is a black beetle with very long legs called a Blaps beetle. It is frequently seen crossing areas of open sand during the daytime, where it tiptoes to keep its body off the hot ground. Other kinds of invertebrates (insects, spiders and their allies) have different strategies for keeping cool, such as making burrows and hiding under stones. One group of renowned animals that can be found frequently under stones in Rum are scorpions. A total of eight kinds have been recorded so far, from large brown ones to small yellow ones. It is the small, yellow ones that give the most painful sting, although like snakes, few visitors see them and very few ever get stung.
Small, furry mammals are also common in Rum, especially the mouse-like gerbils, with their long back legs, but they are active only at night and few visitors get a chance to see them. Their burrows, however, are easy to spot and they make distinctive tracks across the sand.